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Course Descriptions

ENG 216 - American Minorities in Literature

3 Credits

A study of authors whose literature provides a minority view of American life. Includes authors of African-American, Native American, Latino and Asian heritage, such as Hughes, Giovanni, Momaday, Storm, Thomas, Pereda, Yutang, Mori.

Prerequisite(s): English 101 with a C or better, or placement into English 200, or instructor permission.

Retiring SUNY General Education: SUNY-H - Humanities (SHUM)

MCC General Education: MCC-AH - Arts and Humanities (MAH)

Course Learning Outcomes
1. Explain literary genres and devices related to the literature of cultures and groups underrepresented in the traditional American canon.
2. Examine themes characteristic of literature written by authors outside the scope of the so-called traditional “American” identity.
3. Critique literary works through various critical methodologies.
4. Discuss key concepts of ethnic diversity and cultural inclusion as they relate to literature of cultures and groups underrepresented in the traditional American canon.
5. Apply appropriate formal conventions when writing about literature.
6. Write a thesis-driven essay using primary and secondary sources.

Course Offered Spring

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